2021 Municipal Election Review

October 27, 2021

Election Day for the 2021 Municipal Election was October 18th. With the official results now in, the Red Deer & District Labour Council is proud to see several candidates elected who were endorsed by our members. 

Congratulations to Cindy Jefferies and Dianne Wyntjes on your election/re-election to City Council!

Congratulations to Ken Johnston on your election as Red Deer’s new Mayor!

Congratulations to Matt Gould, Dianne Macauley, Cathy Peacocke, and Angela Sommers on your election as Trustees to the Red Deer Public School Board!

Voter turnout in Red Deer went up slightly this election, but is still very low at 30.15% compared to 28.8% in 2017. It is important that eligible voters have a say in who makes decisions on our behalf at election time, and it’s equally important that our elected representatives hear from us in between elections as well. 

Find out more about our new City Council and make sure they know what’s important to you, whether you voted for them or not. We need to make sure our voices are part of important budget decisions coming up, as well as conversations about public services and infrastructure. The direction our city takes and the impacts on working people will be a direct result of the decisions of our City Council.

Our Labour Council will advocate for good jobs, reliable public services, and affordability for all residents of Red Deer. We will engage with our local leaders to push for the things that make our communities healthy and sustainable and we encourage you to reach out. 

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